Seeing Ghosts
Haint Blue and any written word are believed to ward off evil spirits. Haint Blue is prevalent in New Orleans. It is used on the roofs of porches and front doors. Haint Blue confuses spirits, making them believe they are near water or the sky.
The newspaper forces the evil spirits to read all words before they can harm. There are stories of people using newspapers as insulation or pasted to the walls. I saw this a lot growing up and never really understood their purpose. When I was asked to join the Bartlett Project, the word “Ghost Town” was used often. It confused me as I saw a small town with its own life. I researched extensively and only found minor historical nods to the Black community. This struck a chord with me and tied back into my not knowing why we performed certain rituals, cooked certain foods, or much of my cultural history in New Orleans. Black history is mostly an oral tradition. When we leave, we take our stories and histories with us. The other sad truth is that we are mostly erased and forgotten by the majority.
This piece blends my offering of protection to the Black community in Bartlett by highlighting their history. While this is not all or the end, honoring those alive and gone is important.
The original form of this piece was destroyed due to the carelessness of those entrusted to protect it. The smaller collage works are still mighty in their protection. They made it through the destruction and still highlight the beauty and perseverance that define the Black community in Bartlett, Texas.
This series was exhibited in Bartlett, Texas and the South Dallas Cultural Center in Dallas, Texas